5 Tips for Planning your 2021 Social Media Strategy

5 Tips for Planning your 2021 Social Media Strategy.png
December 09, 2020

5 Tips for Planning your 2021 Social Media Strategy 

  1. Conduct a content audit from your social media posts in 2020. I suggest taking your time and going through the content that got the most views and engagement. Take note of the content that didn't seem to relate to your target audience and adjust your content strategy for 2021. 
  2. Start utilizing stories on all social media platforms. Yes! you can now post a story on LinkedIn and I highly suggest you put that into your content strategy for 2021. 

  1. Crisis management - Yep, it looks like COVID is following us into the new year, so take some time to develop your approaches to your messaging in case of another crisis situation. 
  2. Video marketing is a must going into the new year. This is a great opportunity to tell your story and attract new followers. 
  3. Be authentic and show your personality - this is the secret sauce in creating an authentic relationship to build your online community.

A great social media strategy is a constant work in progress and should change with emerging trends, but with these tips, you can give your social campaigns a strong foundation from the beginning.

If you’d like to find out more about how Monika Social can help you with a social media strategy, email [email protected] today. 


Written by Monika


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"I’ve been following Monika for a while on Instagram and had the opportunity to attend a social media workshop and I’m so glad I did! It was great to get feedback from a pro and have validation that our direction is a good one! Left feeling very encouraged and excited to try new techniques! Thanks so much Monika!"
- Dianna Yasmin Mesaros