New Website

November 22, 2017

Here goes nothing with my first blog post!

I hope you like my new website look, which was designed to make it easier to navigate and use. I am positive that you will love the feel of the fresh layout, which was specifically planned to illustrate my forward thinking and modern approach. I wanted my new website to be a state-of-the-art representation of my brand and values. This website design makes it easy to tell my story and engage with my audience.

I will be updating this blog on a regular basis to keep you in touch with all the new things happening at Monika Social. I will post a new blog post every month to keep you updated on new social media trends and my life adventure as an entrepreneur.

Please take a moment to explore my new website and be sure to check back regularly for more news and social media tips.

Thank you to my Web Designer & Developer, Rylan Szopa

Written by Monika


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Contact Monika
"I’ve been following Monika for a while on Instagram and had the opportunity to attend a social media workshop and I’m so glad I did! It was great to get feedback from a pro and have validation that our direction is a good one! Left feeling very encouraged and excited to try new techniques! Thanks so much Monika!"
- Dianna Yasmin Mesaros